Wednesday, September 3, 2008

Diet Pill Training Wheels

My AM couples jog did not happen this morning because I seriously injured myself in my 60 minute cycle class last night. I had this horrible twinge in my upper thigh for the rest of the evening, deeming me ineligible for the run. It was probably some fat ripping off of my leg or something. Me + 60 min cycle = leg injuries and one sore vag.

BF decided to run though. He hasn't been working out either, and he had a look of pain and horror when he returned. I was a little concerned when he wouldn't give me verbal responses to some basic questions: "Do you want breakfast? Are you ok? What did you really think about the new 90210?" At the end of this little experiment one of us is probably going die. Hopefully, we'll die thin!!

So I decided to take a poor man's diet pill - "Weight Sharp: A multi-vitamin for dieters!" It basically has some green tea extract in which apparently "increases metabolism." I think it's a bunch of bullshit but I'm totally drinking the kool aid. Plus, I was too scared to get a real diet pill so this is like diet pill training wheels.

I think they should make diet sleeping pills. Really intense sleeping pills that make you sleep for multiple days so you can't eat. You'd be like a bear hibernating in the woods of starvation. I could pass out right now. My EGCG is NOT pepping me up like I thought it would. Though I do feel a little light-headed, no wonder those girls are complete bitches, they're hungry and can't think straight.

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